Plitvice lakes Entrance 2

When preparing to explore the magnificent world of Plitvice Lakes National Park, don’t overlook Entrance 2 of Plitvice Lakes. This entrance offers not just an alternative starting point for your park adventure but also numerous unique benefits worth considering.

Is Entrance 2 of Plitvice Lakes More Favorable?

Entrance 2 is particularly popular because it provides direct access to the park’s upper lakes, where the area is less crowded, offering a bit more breathing room. This region not only offers peace but also an extraordinary experience due to the richness of aquatic plants and wildlife.

Though some paths from Entrance 2 lead away from the waterfalls, there’s always the opportunity to stop by the lakesides and admire the surroundings. For us, this never felt like a compromise.

An advantage of this route is that it starts from the upper lakes and follows the water’s path downwards towards the lower lakes, making the downhill trek physically easier.

Plitvice Lakes roads uphill

If you aim to thoroughly explore the park’s upper section or start from a calmer, less crowded spot, Entrance 2 of Plitvice Lakes is a favorable choice. The routes from here allow you to enjoy the park’s natural beauty and the stunning waterfalls at a comfortable pace, with less crowd.

Moreover, if you’re planning to visit more than one day and wish to explore different parts of the park on different days, this entrance serves as an excellent starting point for one of the days.

Hiking Trails and Attractions

From Entrance 2 of Plitvice Lakes, various picturesque hiking trails are available. These trails vary, with some winding exclusively around the upper lakes, while others lead all the way to the Great Waterfall, near Entrance 1.

The park also operates special buses that can comfortably take you to Entrance 1, eliminating the need to walk the entire area.

Additionally, a ferry operates on one of the lakes, allowing you to cross to the other side without having to walk around. The boat ride not only provides a pleasant break during your exploration but also offers a unique experience to admire the park’s beautiful scenery. The entrance ticket includes the ferry usage, just show it upon boarding without any additional fees.

Boat ride on the lake of Plitvice National Park

Many visitors prefer the H route, which strikes a golden balance in seeing ‘everything’ the park has to offer while saving on walking distance with the boats. This route perfectly balances the depth of exploration and physical exertion, ensuring a maximum experience at Plitvice Lakes.

How Much Time Do You Really Need to Explore Plitvice Lakes?

The indicated durations are average estimates designed to set realistic goals even for the slowest walkers. However, besides our physical condition and walking pace, we should also consider the fluctuation in visitor numbers across different seasons.

route maps in plitvice national park from Entrance 2

In early spring, late autumn, or early summer mornings when the park appears less crowded, it’s often possible to complete the trails much faster, with even the longest K route taking just 3.5 hours. During these times, the time spent in the park can be shorter, thanks to fewer visitors and smoother progression.

However, the scenario changes significantly during summer at Plitvice Lakes. The relatively narrow boardwalks mean we can only move at the pace of the visitors in front of us. Plus, since everyone wants to capture the park’s wonders, the continuous clicking of selfies and photos slows down the pace. At the wonderful points, everyone stops, i.e., queues up, to capture the memorable moments. Like everyone else, we waited our turn with peaceful, good-natured patience instead of rushing. Standing on the boardwalks, with lakes beneath us and waterfalls around us, the scenery is captivating. The proximity of nature, waterfalls, and lakes is so impressive that our attention easily focuses on them instead of the stress of waiting.

While meandering slowly, people look around in good spirits, the sound of waterfalls and the sight of clear lakes casting a calmness that usually brings a smile to everyone. This special closeness to nature and atmosphere makes even the brief waits for photos enjoyable breaks to discover more details. Thus, even on the park’s busiest days, the visit leaves us with a lasting impression of joy and peace.

Navigating Plitvice Lakes National Park

Navigating the park is a piece of cake. The trails are marked so meticulously that you can easily follow the path that interests you the most, and even decide to change your plans along the way. The maps clearly indicate where to find the nearest restroom or designated dining areas, ensuring you’re never without guidance.

Just a few minutes are needed to decipher the maps, and from then on, navigating every nook and cranny of the park is hassle-free. The colorful icons and visible signs at intersections easily guide you in the right direction, allowing you to fully concentrate on the experience the park offers.


There’s also a large parking area at Entrance 2 of Plitvice Lakes, where you can comfortably park your car. The parking is located across the main road, from where a pedestrian bridge leads directly to Entrance 2 of the park.

Plitvice Lakes Entrance 2 Parking 2

Ticket Purchase

Tickets can be bought on-site, but to avoid waiting, it’s advisable to purchase them online on the official website of Plitvice Lakes National Park. This way, you can secure your entry and plan your visit in advance.

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