Plitvice Zagreb Distance

When visiting the Plitvice Lakes region, probably the most common way to come here is from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. Plitvice Lakes are easily accessible from Zagreb, but you may want to know the Plitvice Zagreb distance so that you can calculate your trip.

Plitvice Zagreb Distance

  • Plitvice Lakes Zagreb city center distance: 134 km
  • Plitvice Lakes Zagreb Airport (ZAG) distance: 144 km
  • Plitvice Lakes Zagreb average driving time is around 2 hours, depending on traffic.


We calculated the driving distance between Zagreb and Plitvice Lakes National Park entrance 1. Entrance 2 is 3.5 km further.

This is the shortest route between Zagreb and Plitvice Lakes, taking motorway A1 between Zagreb and Karlovac, which is a toll road. If you want to avoid toll roads, your distance will be 5-10 kilometers longer.

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